Monday, May 24, 2010

So Far Away

JoAnna and I are once again far, far away from each other. She's back at home and I've started my summer internship.

We did take one final together and Jo and I stayed up for hours studying diligently for it. That evening she gave me a little wind-up horse that she stole from some kid or something like that. After that we started discussing horse gaits and practicing them. Watching Jo trot, pace and lope across my tiny bedroom was incredibly amusing. If you ever get the chance, ask Jo to canter across a room. You are sure to be entertained.

Once again, we'll see what happens with this blog during the summer. Here are my words for Jo, and all my other friends spread out to the ends of the universe for the summer.

Somewhere out there
Beneath the pale moonlight
Someone's thinking of me
And loving me tonight.

Somewhere out there
Someone's saying a prayer
That we'll find one another
In that big somewhere out there.

And even though I know how very far apart we are
It helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star.
And when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullaby
It helps to think we're sleeping underneath the same big sky!

Somewhere out there
If love can see us through
Then we'll be together
Somewhere out there
Out where dreams
Come true.

I had quite a few fantastic quotes to post, but I didn't actually bring them with me. So I guess you'll just have to imagine what Jo might have said. That could be fun.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Senior Status!

I am now officially a senior in college.

I have finished all the tests, papers, projects, EVERYTHING associated with being a junior and now I only have one more year left in college.

Unfortunately for Rebekah, she still has a test and a project go to this finals week. But she's almost there!

Last night, all 5 of us roommates were all together in the living room watching TV (Lost, naturally). It was so weird! We haven't gotten together to do something fun in a really really long time, if ever. You can count that as an historic moment.

Speaking of Lost, it is almost over! The season finale is on May 23rd, which is quite unfortunate simply because Rebekah and I can't be together for it like we thought we'd be. But I wish we could, because she can always answer my questions. She makes up for my poor memory... which is funny, because she says she has no memory, yet she makes up for mine... what's that say about MY memory??

The greatest news around campus pertaining to us is that all students who are going to be seniors next year are eligible to receive a "free" (yeah right, like we haven't paid for it 50 times over with all our "technology fees") 3rd generation iPod Touch. Needless to say, I was very excited because I have never had a real mp3 player before (I say "real" because I have used my cell phone's limited memory to hold a select handful of songs). But! I did not know that the iTouch had so much more to offer... like apps that you get addicted to. I must say, it probably wasn't the wisest timing in the world to give students an electronic distraction the day before finals week starts. Anyway, since most students seemed to already own iPods, I have been seeing a great many Facebook statuses outlining their plans for the sale of the devices.

The Notorious Quote Section:
"I'm about to fall but I really want to."
- Rebekah
"Be God's animal."
- Rebekah
"They're really gonna fall out once you start loping."
- Rebekah (who else?)