Sunday, November 15, 2009

Gobble Gobble

So, in between the last post and this one, I tried TWICE to do a mobile blog post... obviously neither of those panned out. Ah well. Maybe someday I will figure it out.

Tonight I had my first of four Thanksgivings this year. At work we had a potluck and it was yummy. I gave thanks for being able to eat a free meal that wasn't McDonald's food. Thursday I have a potluck for the Student Social Work Association, and Friday we're getting our Oxford group together to celebrate (2nd Annual Oxford Thanksgiving). And, of course, there's the real Thanksgiving holiday, which I am privileged to be spending with Rebekah's family. :)

I went to the British Shoppe yesterday! It was incredible... real imported goods from the U.K. I called Rebekah and left a message, because I was staring at IRN-BRU, Ribena, Digestives, Hob Nobs, Walkers crisps, and real Cadbury candy. I just wanted to make her jealous. Too bad I have no idea if it had its intended effect. I've only seen her for about 2 minutes since then!

Sadly, Rebekah has about 4 huge assignments/projects due this week, all of which are a sizable portion of the final grade in each class. I can't imagine what that must feel like, but I know I'd be stressing too.

After much debate in the household, we decided that we would decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving, since we only have two weeks in Abilene after it. What do we have to show for it? Absolutely nothing. haha. We're so awesome. I love us.

Favorite semi-recent quote:
"I don't actually want to be a boy."
- Rebekah

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