Friday, October 23, 2009

We're Going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo

I’m proud to announce that JoAnna and I now have a very special friend: Havar. That’s right, we made it too the zoo today! It’s about time, since we’ve been planning this trip since February or so. Anna, JoAnna and I finally went to the Abilene Zoo to meet the white tiger. Unfortunately, Havar quickly noticed that we hadn’t made t-shirts of him and was very disappointed with us. In fact, he mostly just stared us down or pointedly ignored us.

Yep, folks. There he is.

The giraffes and bears were fun and we fed them some yummy crackers. We know they were yummy because we tested them out just to make sure. The poor female lion was spurned by her man, so that was kind of sad. Oh yeah, and I won a stare-down with a cobra, so you better watch out.

See, we really did test out the crackers.

After tons of fun at the zoo, we had lunch at Sharky’s. Tragically, I threw half of my burrito away. This was going to be my dinner, and Jo happened to think it was absolutely hilarious. She really does just like to laugh at me.

Our activities this week included visualization exercises. They are a lot of fun and very relaxing. JoAnna visualized the person she will end up with: a medium-armed dark-haired gentleman with brown shoes. It worked too, cause within minutes he showed up. Unfortunately she didn’t get his name, so if you fit that description, please come forward and identify yourself.

We’ve both taken up watching Flashforward, and we try to watch it together when possible. However, last week we had to watch it separately, but were both overjoyed when “Charlie” showed up at the end of the episode (well, that’s not his name in this show, but I don’t think that’s really important).

I had a crazy dream the other night and wrote down some key words, so that I would remember it. Now all I have is some strange words that don’t make much sense: museum, trumpet, tornado, walking, cheese sticks. Now I really want to know what that dream was about!

I'll leave you with a lovely quote from JoAnna:

"You look cuddly. I just want to lay down on you."

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