Saturday, September 4, 2010


Lately, life with Rebekah has been full of sound effects (from Rebekah), work (please, if you need a book or article, use ILL and we will get you what you need), lunchtimes (I now make my lunch and bring it to campus - it reminds me of high school but saves so much money), and the five books of Moses (our one class together this semester, and the last class we will ever have together).

Tonight we went to The Den to grab something to drink. We didn't want coffee because we wanted to be able to sleep tonight. So she got a raspberry Italian soda and I got a strawberry Italian cream soda. She also got a raspberry scone. As we were walking home, all of a sudden she stops and looks down at the scone in her hand and sees a bite taken out of the surrounding napkin. Yes, it would appear that our dear Rebekah enjoys eating recycled paper. Or, as she put it, she has "ingested a napkin."

I suppose that will be all for this post. As always, a few special quotes:
"All the Bible majors were like, 'Hahaha' and everyone else was like, 'You just shattered my faith!'" (Rebekah)
"We probably have fuzz in our water like all day long." (Rebekah)

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