Saturday, October 23, 2010

Falling and Fall

The top news in our life right now is ....

wait for it ....


Yep, Jo is now engaged. It was very exciting to learn of this, and she's now busy preparing. I actually saw it first on Facebook, when Jo's relationship status changed to "engaged". Last night we had fun looking at venues and flipping through bridal magazines.

Other than this, our lives are mostly consumed with school and work. As many of you know, Jo and I both work together in the library on campus. We have to amuse each other somehow, and one way is by laughing at funny books. This one is just a very interesting book jacket for a book about St. Augustine. It's okay if no one else finds it amusing, but we certainly did.

As Jo mentioned in our last post, we eat lunch together before our Pentateuch class. We tend to have some pretty crazy conversations and we always have a ton of fun together. I'm beginning to think that other people come to the class early just to listen to our hilarious conversations. I fell out of my chair once before class. It was very embarrassing, and unfortunately JoAnna missed it because she stepped out of the room. I fell backwards in a way that I was able to hit the desk behind me, then the step, then the floor and then the the chair fell on top of me. The people already in the room all found it very funny.

We both love the weather right now. It is very autumnal and reminds us of our wonderful time in Oxford. Today we had lots of rain and crashing thunder. Some of the thunder was so loud that JoAnna thought her exploded when thunder sounded close to her car.

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