Saturday, November 6, 2010

"L" is for the Way You Look at Me

Anna, Rebekah, and I just finished singing songs in The Den for two hours. Not really. But we did go there and enjoy some coffee while we played a game where we thought of a word and had to think of songs that had that particular word somewhere in the lyrics. The best part is, we discovered that Anna can't spell color words and also has a slight obsession with pumpkins.

Speaking of pumpkin, Anna's sister visited and they made absolutely delicious pumpkin muffins. I'd say they were deliciously moist, but I hate that word. Oh - uhh... I mean... they were "succulent."

I have to brag on Anna and Rebekah. They spent about 6 hours one Friday night making awesome Halloween costumes. Rebekah was a giraffe and Anna was a zebra. Everybody thought they bought them! See, that's how awesome they are. That and the fact that they know how to party on a Friday night.

Rebekah has a little dish on our coffee table filled with candy corn. It's really funny because she's used almost two big bags of the stuff and this dish is tiny. That's a lot of refills. Anyway, I think it's a nice way of welcoming guests, and after we all move out I can't wait to visit Rebekah's house/apartment to see what kinds of yummy stuff I can nick off her coffee table.

Random fact: Rebekah is terrified of having wrinkly clothes.

Wonderful quotes:
"You can't put a price on good donuts."
- Rebekah

"R-E-D-E, red! W-H-I-T, white!"
- Anna

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