Sunday, November 28, 2010

Turkey Time

In the spirit of Thanksgiving which has only just passed, here is a non-comprehensive list of things I am thankful for that I have experienced with or received from Rebekah:

- Studying for Synoptic Gospels or Pentateuch late into the night, while still having fun
- Looking up pointless information on Wikipedia
- Talking about God and the Bible
- Saturday night coffee (with Anna! :])
- Ihe illuminated "J" painting she made for my birthday
- ALL of our Oxford/study abroad-related adventures... there are too many to recount!!!
- Intending to simply pass by each other but not leaving the same room for an hour because we started talking
- Her horse obsession (I now know more than I ever thought I would ever know about horses... well, to be honest, I only remember some of it)
- The weird noises she makes (I still don't know if I passed them onto her or if I got them from her)
- How we have to play "Who Can Make a Straight Face First" instead of "Who Can Keep a Straight Face the Longest" because we can hardly look at each other without breaking into a smile
- Her loyal friendship
- Her honesty and integrity
- Watching and making fun of the Twilight movies together
- Her reading voice that makes me drowsy
- The way we were able to make a delicious turkey together! (See below)



The above turkey was cooked for our 3rd annual Oxford Thanksgiving dinner. This was both of our first times to make a turkey ourselves but it was quite delicious! Now we know what things to take out of the inside of a raw turkey before you cook it...

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