Wednesday, January 28, 2009

All By Myself...

I'm alone in the room and I'm wondering if anyone else even exists in this dorm or if Rebekah and I were tricked into living in this little room by ourselves when we really could have had the run of the whole building. I'm thinking that maybe the few people on my hall whom I've met may have just been actresses, placed around the building at strategic moments when They know Rebekah and I will be in the dorm...

Okay, really, I'm not that weird and I don't truly believe I'm in a life like that portrayed on The Truman Show (although that would be really cool... in a creepy way). But being in Sikes for almost two days straight, thanks to icy weather and canceled classes, with only Rebekah has really made me wonder where all the people are. I mean, between the two of us and our 15 other personalities, there is plenty to keep us entertained, but I'd still love to see a fresh face nearby every once in a while.

What's been happening lately:
- We tried to hang Christmas lights over our entry way, but the blue tape doesn't hold them very well (be warned). So I wrapped them around the curtain rods that are in our closets, since we STILL don't have curtains for them yet.
- Rebekah's in class right now and I'm about to leave for Badminton. Woohoo! Seriously, I actually like that class now. At first I wondered what I had gotten myself into (I was one swing short of gashing my forehead open with the racket), but now I'm getting the hang of it... slowly.
- If you happen to live on the second floor of Sikes, on the south wing facing west, and you hear a thump from overhead once in a while... that's probably Rebekah flopping herself up onto her bed. Oh, and if you hear tinkling sounds, kind of like bells... Well, those are crochet needles that she throws to the ground in frustration when she can't seem to get the edges of her blanket straight.
- We miss Oxford way too much and have a bad habit of lamenting the fact that there are other people living in the room we lived in last semester RIGHT NOW. Come save us from ourselves.
- I just ate the last half of a Snickers bar that I bought from the vending machine in the lobby a couple days ago when I was craving chocolate. And that's why I'm going to badminton now.


  1. Wow ... hahaha :) Yep, you guys are pretty much awesome!


  2. Don't speak of Oxford.

    It's too sad!
