Monday, April 27, 2009

On the First Day of Christmas ...

We’re almost at the end of the semester and our social lives seem to be slowing down. Jo and I really haven’t any crazy adventures in quite some time. Mostly we laugh a lot and there’s this one version of The Twelve Days of Christmas that we both find hilarious. It’s by the two Canadian guys who are the voices for the moose in Brother Bear.

In more exciting news, JoAnna and I are officially living together again next year! We signed a lease on a house with some other awesome girls. We are both way excited! Our house is close to campus and we’ll even be able to walk to classes.

It was supposed to storm and rain today, but it hasn’t. I think we got a few drops, but not even enough to wet the ground. The storms keep hovering around Abilene, never quite reaching us.

On Saturday I slept in until 11:00, which is extremely late for me. But for the first time this semester, JoAnna slept later than me. I think she made it till about 11:30. And that's how exciting our life has been - we've spent all our time sleeping.

And I leave you with a question to ponder.
Have you ever eaten a crayon?
Which is your favourite colour to eat?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Most Boring Post You Will Ever Read

I go home in 17 days! I have never been so excited to go home before!! But I suppose that's understandable, because lately there have been so many presentations and projects that I feel like it's all I've been doing for the past two weeks!
So, it's obviously been very busy around here. Fortunately, Rebekah and I both have our piles of candy, dating back to Valentine's Day, to keep us sane (or sick).
I find it funny how I still have all the boxes I kept my storage in over summer... and I meant to put them away somewhere. They have actually become part of our decor, however, and it works quite well. You should come by sometime and check it out.
I have realized that I have taken about 30 pictures total of this whole semester and the only ones that have been outside this room are the ones I did for an English project. I know Rebekah only has a few photos, too. I'm thinking this semester hasn't been a very visually stimulating one.
It is so warm and beautiful outside. Mmmmm....
P.S. Tomorrow's Earth Day!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Talking to Inanimate Objects

In case any of you were wondering, Rebekah and I love online word games. Eight1, Whizz Wordz, and the like. We have recently spent way too much time playing those. There's something interesting about being in the same room and doing the same thing, but separately. It's like community, but not. Maybe we're just super lame.

In other news, Rebekah decided to test the intelligence of her MacBook on Wednesday night:
Well, I guess they're both so smart that they got on each other's nerves...

Some things that have happened relatively recently:
- Rebekah got her bangs cut.
- My sister sent me photos of my nieces!!!
- I went to a Passover seder with Rebekah's family, and it was SO COOL.
- Rebekah got her computer back from being fixed (obviously).
- I have a huge pile of muffins, chips, cereal, and granola bars that keeps growing.
- We didn't have school yesterday!
- We both did our laundry today.

That's all I've got for now, so until next time...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Easter Bunny Bowling

I know, I know, it's been awhile since I've posted. That seems to be the way things go around here.

Right now I'm sipping a harvest spice white chocolate mocha and it reminds me of Oxford. One of our last days in there I had a mince pie latte, and this tastes similar. It seems that almost everything reminds us of our semester abroad. Not a day goes by when we don't talk about Oxford.

JoAnna's mom sent her all kinds of cool Easter paraphernalia which we have put to good use. Along with candy we have Easter decorations and fun toys. We put bunnies, ducks and chicks up on our walls and played a bowling game. The pins are cute little pastel Easter bunnies and we enjoyed our little game.

Our last Disney movies were Hercules and Lady and the Tramp. Perhaps the highlight of Hercules was the moment when he enters the Temple of Zeus. "We've been there!" Katherine exclaimed. It made me happy. A favourite quote from Lady and the Tramp: "And I don't care if the Cossacks do pick you up." See, I just never got that as a child.

Life's not exceptionally exciting around here. JoAnna and I both have tons of homework, though we have managed to get to bed at reasonable times most nights. Jo and I did make it over to Walmart the other day. Somehow we spent over an hour there. Both of us are fairly indecisive and we debated long and hard over almost every item purchased.

That's all for now. Maybe this weekend will be filled with exciting adventures and we'll be back with more outlandish antics.