Saturday, April 11, 2009

Talking to Inanimate Objects

In case any of you were wondering, Rebekah and I love online word games. Eight1, Whizz Wordz, and the like. We have recently spent way too much time playing those. There's something interesting about being in the same room and doing the same thing, but separately. It's like community, but not. Maybe we're just super lame.

In other news, Rebekah decided to test the intelligence of her MacBook on Wednesday night:
Well, I guess they're both so smart that they got on each other's nerves...

Some things that have happened relatively recently:
- Rebekah got her bangs cut.
- My sister sent me photos of my nieces!!!
- I went to a Passover seder with Rebekah's family, and it was SO COOL.
- Rebekah got her computer back from being fixed (obviously).
- I have a huge pile of muffins, chips, cereal, and granola bars that keeps growing.
- We didn't have school yesterday!
- We both did our laundry today.

That's all I've got for now, so until next time...


  1. Hee hee. Rebekah's computer has an attitude. Awesome.

  2. Wow, I think that this is my favorite post so far. :)
