Monday, May 25, 2009

God's Love is Fab & He's My Mate

I got a text really early this morning from some random number (with a lot of numbers in the number).

Thankfully, it wasn't some creeper from another country. It was Rebekah! :)

I actually thought it was a dream when I got up, but I checked my phone and the messages are all there. That makes me so happy! It was an awesome few minutes texting with her, although it did remind me how much I miss her. But yay for international phones!

P.S. Isn't it funny how we already have more posts this month than we did all of April? Guess we were busy... or boring.

Friday, May 22, 2009

House 10

I'm in the computer lab in Oxford right now and it makes me miss last semester terribly. Our group was a ton of fun, and I loved every minute of it. I can't believe I met JoAnna right here in this house almost a year ago. Man, this place is full of memories.

Right now I'm thinking about how much I want all of those people back here with me. Let's all come back together! Anyway, I just thought I'd give a shout-out from Oxford to all of our loyal blog readers. If you've been to England before, aren't you ready to come back? If you haven't hopped across the pond, what are you waiting for? This is where it's all happening.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Miss You

I don't know exactly what to write about. I'm in the States, Rebekah's across the pond in Europe... it's almost as if life is incomplete. One would think I'd have already gone and drowned my sorrows with a couple pints of coffee.

Alas, I am still as (in)sane as ever, taking life as it comes no matter where I am. I've had a really good week and a half at home so far. I even pretended to be in Europe with Rebekah when I went to Disneyland! (You know, I've never before found "It's a Small World" to be so meaningful.)

I just realized that I have to change the time manually for my posts now, since I'm Pacific Time, two hours ahead of what I was in Texas... I guess I could change the default time, but then Rebekah will have to change her post times manually, and we don't want to make her work too hard, eh? Remember all the trouble she had with her computer while simply trying to inject some humor into her life? And to think what it would do if it found that she's trying to manipulate time...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Attack of the Clouds

I put JoAnna on an airplane a few hours ago. It's so sad. We've been roommates for a year, and now we're suddenly not. At least we'll be housemates again in a few months. We had a good last week together. It included studying, eating and dancing to Justin Timberlake. We also listed to a tape Jo recorded of visitation one night early in the semester. It brought back a lot of great memories and a lot of good laugh. Speaking of which, I've decided that I have a bit of an obnoxious laugh. If you had come into our room early in the week, you probably would have been amused at our attire. JoAnna is really warm-natured and I was sick so while she was sitting in front of the air conditioner in shorts and a t-shirt, I was bundled up in a sweatshirt and blanket.

Our last evening together was yesterday and we had a blast. Anna, Jo and I all hung out for several hours. Anna and I went to Cajun Cones with an old friend to celebrate the end of school. The shaved ice was a fantastic treat on our 103 F day. That's right, we had to move out of the dorm on a day that was over one hundred degrees. Not fun. Still hungry, we grabbed JoAnna and headed to dinner at Jason's Deli. Anna and I both had yummy sandwiches, but Jo wasn't a huge fan of hers. Apparantly she's not too keen on Dijon mustard, which pierces her soul or something like that.

Because we're kind of lame we roamed around Walmart for a while. When we came out the clouds were crazy. Billowy and pink, they looked like they were taking over the world. It was gorgeous, but also a bit odd. We ended our day with a trip to the park. I had to chase some kid off of the swingset, but then everything was cool. At one point we had to avert our eyes because a couple of birds were getting it on. Then they just pointedly ignored each other. Eventally we tired of the swings and had to say goodbye.

We don't know what this blog will look like over the summer. Jo and I each have our own blogs for recording our individual adventures. Maybe we'll just write about how much we miss each other. Or we might just take a break for a little while. You might need an entire summer to prepare yourself for the amazingness that is sure to come next semester. And so I leave you with a few final thoughts.

"You can't laugh without laughing." - Jo
"I don't think Jesus would do that to his ex." - Anna
"I love us!" - Jo

Monday, May 4, 2009

From Pancakes to Purity

As I sit here procrastinating finals studying (not surprising, eh?), I am listening to Rebekah read me facts about CPR from Wikipedia. Something we have gotten into the habit of doing is going straight for the Internet in times of need (a.k.a. whenever some topic of interest comes up in conversation). It makes me realize just how much I personally am a part of this "information age" and how much we rely on the plethora of resources the Internet provides. We also realize how much we depend on our computers!

The swine flu is attacking the world, but Abilene lies untouched thus far. So as we wait here patiently for it to pass over us, we take solace in antibacterial hand sanitizer and the no-contact rule, reading through newsfeeds streaming to our computer desktops with (yes, even more) information about the virus and its victims.

Our walls are bare, and my tower of storage boxes is no longer. It's amazing how much a part of the room those boxes became and we never really realized it. We have begun packing away our things to move out. I will be home in 5 days! But first, to conquer packing and these 3 finals and 2 papers... I think the only things getting me through this week will be Jesus, caffeine, and seeing my FAMILY on Saturday!!!

Quote of the Week:
"People die from the FLU flu!"
- Rebekah