Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Miss You

I don't know exactly what to write about. I'm in the States, Rebekah's across the pond in Europe... it's almost as if life is incomplete. One would think I'd have already gone and drowned my sorrows with a couple pints of coffee.

Alas, I am still as (in)sane as ever, taking life as it comes no matter where I am. I've had a really good week and a half at home so far. I even pretended to be in Europe with Rebekah when I went to Disneyland! (You know, I've never before found "It's a Small World" to be so meaningful.)

I just realized that I have to change the time manually for my posts now, since I'm Pacific Time, two hours ahead of what I was in Texas... I guess I could change the default time, but then Rebekah will have to change her post times manually, and we don't want to make her work too hard, eh? Remember all the trouble she had with her computer while simply trying to inject some humor into her life? And to think what it would do if it found that she's trying to manipulate time...


  1. Oh my goodness, I miss both of you!
    I think this will be a long summer.
    You could just leave the time and it would look like you posted at really strange times... that would be amusing.
