Sunday, April 25, 2010

Guilt Post

So, I feel guilty that I haven't posted in a while... so here goes...

Probably the most exciting news is that there is only one week left of classes and then one week of finals! Yesss! Also, I got paid for the first time (finally) since beginning my job at the library. Score!

Rebekah and I set aside a time a few weekends ago to watch the second part in the Twilight Saga: New Moon. It was definitely worth not going to the movie theater and paying 8 bucks. Redbox did just fine with $1. Let's just say that now Rebekah has a new idea for decorating our living room... one that involves a Native American werewolf...

The library has this particular flowery scent to it now. You can especially smell it right when you walk in and - surprise - at my desk at work. Rebekah couldn't smell it for the longest time until she went to my desk. Anyway, turns out that she also has a lotion that smells like it, which may also be a reason for her problems in not smelling it. It's a good scent, but whoever controls it makes it SO strong. We're thinking it comes through the vents. But really, it's just a mystery. If anyone knows its origins and WHY the library smells like an overwhelming garden, please let us know.

Quotes from the past month or so:
"I have no memory." - Rebekah
"When I sing those songs, I imagine that I am a slave." - Rebekah

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Coming to a Close... But Not Merely Winding Down

I am only posting to say that this is the most ridiculously busy semester of my life! Ahh! I'm buried beneath all these things I need to do. Class, homework, papers, projects, exams, church things, internship, work. And maybe it's sad, but I really enjoy my new job much better than my majors classes... hmm... maybe I should become a librarian? (I work with Rebekah in the library! It's lots of fun whenever we're in there together.) Or just loan out books and articles to people. I really like having an on-campus job. Great stuff. Really convenient, and I feel like I'm doing something productive and meaningful. One time Rebekah saved a boy's life while working this job. That's right. I am now positioned to save lives, one book or article at a time. Information leads to knowledge, and knowledge is power.

Anyway, in addition to busyness, it's been really really hot and humid lately. I hear rumors of rain tonight, which wouldn't surprise me. But it'll be gross, warm rain. Ew. Anyone who knows my weather preferences knows that I cannot stand humidity. It's disgusting. I really hope I don't ever have to live anywhere it's unreasonably humid.

4.5 weeks until the semester is over!!! I absolutely cannot wait. I registered for next semester's classes and I am pumped for them. I'm only taking 12 hours. It will be soooo nice. Rebekah is also only taking a small amount of hours. We also have another Bible class together! We are gonna party it up in the Bible building again next semester...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Another Week

School has started back up after Spring Break and we're back to the old grind. JoAnna and I both headed out of the state for the break. She went up north to Minnesota and I headed west to Colorado. One thing that both of our trips had in common was horrible weather during our drives back home. The roads were sheets of slick ice and snow whipped around in a blizzard. Thankfully, we both made it safely back to Abilene.

Both of us also ate some interesting food. JoAnna had an interesting dessert drink, the contents of which I've already forgotten. I do know that her cup broke and she was distraught when she wasn't able to drink it. I had mountain lion steak for breakfast one morning. So yeah, fun foods.

I'll go ahead and share a link with you, even though this isn't of JoAnna and me. It is, however, exactly like something we would do together. We're both very good dancers, you know. I hope you enjoy this fantastic dancing video.

Jo and I have been so busy with schoolwork that we've done almost nothing together. She hasn't even been able to watch Lost with me!! So sad. Hopefully we'll find some time to hang out in the near future.

Hmmm. What exciting lives we lead (not!).