Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Coming to a Close... But Not Merely Winding Down

I am only posting to say that this is the most ridiculously busy semester of my life! Ahh! I'm buried beneath all these things I need to do. Class, homework, papers, projects, exams, church things, internship, work. And maybe it's sad, but I really enjoy my new job much better than my majors classes... hmm... maybe I should become a librarian? (I work with Rebekah in the library! It's lots of fun whenever we're in there together.) Or just loan out books and articles to people. I really like having an on-campus job. Great stuff. Really convenient, and I feel like I'm doing something productive and meaningful. One time Rebekah saved a boy's life while working this job. That's right. I am now positioned to save lives, one book or article at a time. Information leads to knowledge, and knowledge is power.

Anyway, in addition to busyness, it's been really really hot and humid lately. I hear rumors of rain tonight, which wouldn't surprise me. But it'll be gross, warm rain. Ew. Anyone who knows my weather preferences knows that I cannot stand humidity. It's disgusting. I really hope I don't ever have to live anywhere it's unreasonably humid.

4.5 weeks until the semester is over!!! I absolutely cannot wait. I registered for next semester's classes and I am pumped for them. I'm only taking 12 hours. It will be soooo nice. Rebekah is also only taking a small amount of hours. We also have another Bible class together! We are gonna party it up in the Bible building again next semester...

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