Thursday, April 1, 2010

Another Week

School has started back up after Spring Break and we're back to the old grind. JoAnna and I both headed out of the state for the break. She went up north to Minnesota and I headed west to Colorado. One thing that both of our trips had in common was horrible weather during our drives back home. The roads were sheets of slick ice and snow whipped around in a blizzard. Thankfully, we both made it safely back to Abilene.

Both of us also ate some interesting food. JoAnna had an interesting dessert drink, the contents of which I've already forgotten. I do know that her cup broke and she was distraught when she wasn't able to drink it. I had mountain lion steak for breakfast one morning. So yeah, fun foods.

I'll go ahead and share a link with you, even though this isn't of JoAnna and me. It is, however, exactly like something we would do together. We're both very good dancers, you know. I hope you enjoy this fantastic dancing video.

Jo and I have been so busy with schoolwork that we've done almost nothing together. She hasn't even been able to watch Lost with me!! So sad. Hopefully we'll find some time to hang out in the near future.

Hmmm. What exciting lives we lead (not!).

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