Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Our Exciting Lives

We are now almost two weeks into the school year and I finally have a moment to sit down and write. It's crazy that it was only one year ago that we traveled the lovely Oxford and came home five months later as awesome friends.

What's also crazy is the stuff that goes on in our house. I'm not kidding. I live with very, very strange people. And yes, Jo tops that list. You should stop by our house sometime and visit. But be warned: you might catch us acting a little childish. Most of the time, Jo and I are holed up in our rooms labouring over homework. However, sometimes even I forget we're not all little kids. Take, for example, the following situations.

If you hear us singing "I'll Make a Man Out of You", it's because it is our new theme song. Our housemate Alyssa is in on that too.

We also like to stay up having dance parties. We enjoy dancing to anything, but we particularly enjoy Disney tunes. You should see our interpretive Mulan dance.

We periodically throw paper at one another. If you haven't tried it, you should. It is a fantastic way to waste time and avoid doing homework.

Jo and I like to sit for hours looking through pictures of our Oxford travels (once again in lieu of homework).

Jo likes to laugh at me for absolutely no reason. Honestly, I can't always figure out what in the world she is laughing at. On the same note, we still have fun with "Who can make a straight face first?" contests. Usually neither of us win.

Obviously our lives are very exciting.

P.S. Hopefully we'll have some good quotes soon. We need to hang out with our quote-supplier!

1 comment:

  1. I said a good one last week. It's not my fault you didn't write it down!
