Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Knight's Tale

So, just to affirm Rebekah's statement that she and I need to hang out more - I couldn't agree more! We did have some time last night (an hour and a half...) when we were supposed to be doing homework but ended up talking and Wikipedia-ing (just like old times). Really now, are we not the only ones to wonder what Mick Jagger and Elton John ever did to receive knighthood? I understand Bono becoming a "Sir," but really - why is everyone receiving honorary titles? Rebekah and I got into researching the people who have become knights, and I wanted to know if women could be knighted as well. Turns out, they are labeled "Dames" (not very pleasant to the ear, if you ask me). Also, if you are a female married to a man who is knighted, you get the title of "Lady." I have decided that I want to either become a "Sir" or just marry a knight so that I can be a "Lady." I still think that "Sir JoAnna" sounds cooler though. So it's like... Sir Bono, Sir Spielberg, Sir JoAnna... cool, huh? (Actually, in order to have a Sir or Dame title I would need to be either British or a citizen of the Commonwealth... so I'll have to get a move-on on that.) [An incomplete list of honorary British Knights]

Fortunately, Rebekah and I get to spend Monday, Wednesday, and Friday chapels and lunches together. Today while we were sitting on the bench in the Hall of Servants that we usually sit on, she tells me to move because she has to lie down and there isn't enough room with me on there. I tell her that I won't move, as she proceeds to lay her head on my lap. Then, I proceed to bop her on the head with my social policy textbook (this is NOT a light book, folks). Anyway, all this to say... she misses me and loves me a lot. :)

Also today at lunch we discussed how history will be preserved if technology keeps advancing. For example, floppy disks are basically obsolete because many computers aren't even capable of reading them anymore. And since we don't want to kill any more trees in the name of being green and saving the planet (which I like, because the tree is one of my favorite creations in the whole world), we won't be printing or writing everything out. Will we just forget everything that is happening? I think maybe we will have to revert to the storytelling of the oral tradition. That would be fun.

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