Friday, March 27, 2009

Busyness Blurb

Alright, well, as I sit here wondering what to write about, Rebekah is comparing the two different sizes of Otis Spunkmeyer chocolate chip muffins that are sold on campus. Turns out, even though the smaller one is sweeter (at least I think so), they are both made from the same exact ingredients. And with that mind-blowing discovery, I sit here and finish off my bowl of black beans.
Life has been rather busy as of late. Between the two of us, we have been busy with school, exams, papers, work, projects, interviews, volunteering, and hanging out. Okay, so it's just the typical college stuff, but it gets tiring. However, I've been realizing lately how grateful I am for certain things, and this college experience is one of them. So no matter how tired I get, no matter how frustrated I get, no matter how fed up I get with everything going on, I will always remember how awesome the experience as a whole is.
Last night we watched Pocahontas, and I was reminded that I really like that movie! I also wish I could have seen America when there was nothing really but trees and empty land.
Rebekah and I both help out with the kids at our churches on Wednesday nights. She works with the 3-4 year olds at Highland and I'm with the 1st-6th graders at Beltway. It's been a lot of fun sharing stories and wondering how our own kids will turn out...

The Infamous Quote Section:
- "My bottle's like a gimp bottle, it doesn't even stand up straight." - Rebekah
- "Oh, I love fuzz." - Rebekah

1 comment:

  1. *is sad* No quotes from me this time. I need to hang out with you two more!
