Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Importance of Being Insignificant

Rebekah and I have recently been in awe at how many people read and enjoy this blog. We can't seem to fathom that reading it could offer any substantial amount of entertainment for anyone, but obviously we're wrong. It's interesting how the little, random, insignificant, everyday things of other people's lives can be so interesting, eh? Maybe that's why social phenomenons like Facebook status updates and Twitter feeds are so popular.

Sad day, Thursday I dropped my cell phone and it now has a huge crack in the screen. Oh well. Like I told my mom, it's ugly but it works. The sound is a little wonky, but it's alright. I'm just freaked out that it will suddenly stop working and I will be left without a phone. I guess that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, but it's my main form of contact with most people I know.

Rebekah and I went to Wal-Mart yesterday. Among other things, she bought a new bottle of multivitamins (which, unfortunately, weren't the exact ones she needed to replace, but they'll do) and I bought a couple of headbands.

In other news, well... I guess it would be... uh... "olds"... anyway, something else that is still an issue is the lack of curtains over our closets. I think we have just resolved to let them stay wide open and hope that there are no dirty clothes visible when anyone comes over. This wouldn't still be such a problem if the dang curtain rods were removable...

Recently, several of us have started watching animated Disney movies together, in honor of the fact that Meghan has not seen most of them (pitiful, huh? [; we love you Meghan!!). So far we've watched The Lion King (I actually missed that one, but at least I've seen it several times before... and even eaten an ant in honor of Hakuna Matata - note: bad idea), The Little Mermaid, and Aladdin. I think the next one is Hunchback of Notre Dame. It's great reexperiencing these childhood delights, but very surprising how many mature references are slipped into the films. "Leave no shell unturned!" (Please, leave two of them unturned, for all our sakes.) "Combination hookah and coffemaker!" And Aladdin finds himself in a brothel as he's running away from the guards? Yeah.

Ahh, spring break is just around the corner; I think I can smell it, even if I'm not quite sure what it smells like... oh, yeah, that's right: freeeeedom.

Here's a poem that I recently came across that I really liked:
"Eternity" by William Blake

He who binds to himself a joy
Does the winged life destroy;
But he who kisses the joy as it flies
Lives in eternity's sun rise.

Aaaaand of course --
Quotes/Conversation Snippets to Remember:
Katherine: "I've always wanted to lie on a rock like that."
David: "Can't say I've ever had the urge."


  1. I love my quotes! It seems to me that (inadvertently) I'm the funniest person around.

    I'm sorry about your phone. I hope it lives!

    Those curtain rods are totally removable! Got a screwdriver? Of course, Meghan and I didn't even want to try that, so we used ribbon.

    The Hunchback of Notre Dame on Thursday! Be prepared to celebrate the (almost) end of midterms week!

  2. and I'm back.. after taking a break from reading your blog, I am back to allow it to entertain me... and I hope I get to come to more of these movie night things..
