Thursday, February 19, 2009

Lights, Graveyards, and Spooks

It is now my honor to fill you in on last Friday... Friday the Thirteenth.... woooooOOoooOOOOO...

Katherine, Meghan, Rebekah, David, and I hopped in Katherine's car and headed out to Anson. Our goal was to freak ourselves out with the Anson lights (which are definitely not just cars on some distant highway... surely not...). Okay. So, we get to Anson and follow directions we were given, but can't seem to find the graveyard or the dirt road that is supposed to lead us to the place where we can see the lights. We spent about an hour driving back and forth on the road looking for this measley little road, and even with directions from Katherine's mom and a cashier (we stopped by Allsups and Meghan went in and told the clerk she was a genealogist looking for her family's records and needed directions to the cemetery... well, she was prepared to use that story, anyway, even if it didn't really happen like that...). Finally, we turned down the right road... and ended up not seeing any real exciting lights... but we did get herded by a couple of cars (that's what it feels like when the dirt roads are tiny and one-way). That was frightening. The best part is yet to come. We drove back to the cemetery and drove slowly through it. Some of the tombstones were huge, creepy pillars, something I'd never seen in a graveyard before. The creepiest part, though, were the reflections of the headlights in the shiny headstones... they looked like candles were being lit and extinguished. After a couple minutes, we stopped the car in the middle and David and Meghan got out. Katherine, Rebekah, and I stayed squealing in the car, begging Katherine, who was curled in a ball, to lock the doors. She didn't, and I nearly pulled Rebekah's arm off when Meghan opened the driver's side door. THEN David jumped into my window and was just plain mean. Serves them right that birds dived out of the trees at them... heh...

Memorable Quotes:
"Five - oh, you're too dumb for me."
- Katherine

"Okay, everybody, as I turn... do you see tombstones?"
- Katherine

"Delicious, Dynamite, DA BOMB."
- Me, Anna, Rebekah (respectively)


  1. I LOVE my quotes! Yay!

    I really need to work on that whole curling up in a ball thing. I must be braver!

  2. It wasn't my fault all of you got scared at the graveyard!! The birds sent me into a mindless panic!
