Sunday, February 1, 2009

Too Much Sugar

JoAnna and I just got back from a Super Awesome Super Bowl party. If you don’t know from experience, let me tell you: put a bunch of girls together with chips, dip, cookies and cake and you’ll have the time of your life. It was pretty intense, which is kind of funny since the only reason I rooted for my team was because their mascot name starts with a “C”, the same letter as my last name. I’m sure JoAnna had more noble reasons for backing up that same team.

This week's snow day, well ice day really, ensured that our schedules for the rest of the semester will be messed up. But hey, we got to sleep in, hang out and skip classes. What more can a college student ask for?

Last night we made our end-of-the-week coffee run in an attempt to use extra meal plans. Drinks were good and the caffeine and sugar rush quickly knocked JoAnna over. I’m actually not exaggerating at all; she laughed so hard that she fell to the pavement and rolled around in hysterics. I was laughing a bit myself, but I managed to remain upright.

JoAnna refuses to tell me her middle name, probably because she is just so stubborn. Actually, I think it’s because she has told me before and by not remembering it now I am proving to be a very poor excuse for a roommate. Don’t worry, I’ll get it out of her somehow.

Quotes to remember:
“Maybe their egos are bigger than their stomachs.”
“Gordon Brown is my homie.”
“You can’t really expect me to believe that you, a British woman, and a Chinese man are all members of the United States military.” (Lost – you should watch it)

I’ll leave you with this thought: How would the world be different if all cups were square?


  1. You know, some cups are square...and I love them.

  2. And I rooted for the Steelers because my last names starts with an "S"!

    I can look up JoAnna's middle name on Banner, if you like. :D

  3. yay for end of the week coffee runs! I have grown fond of our new tradition.

    by the way, this is hilarious. I am thoroughly enjoying reading it while sitting at my boring desk shift.

    Anna Leda
