Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Intoxication by Laughter

Proof that we really are funny? After dinner last night a friend told me that she always feels drunk after hanging out with me. Did you know that laughter releases endorphins, thus causing you to become even happier? Happiness really is intoxicating and I always end up with a good ab workout after our times together.

We read some Fox News headlines online, and those things are strange. Headlines consisting of everything from “See-through Frogs Discovered in Colombian Rain Forest” to “Man Killed by Exploding Cell Phone” made us laugh out loud.

We have a stack of boxes here in our room, which we have assembled to form Pride Rock. Gutterball, JoAnna's plastic elephant from a kid's meal at Rosa's, is atop the structure (I got a kid's meal that same night, but do you think there was a toy in my bag? No siree, only JoAnna was privileged enough to be given a toy). You should probably come by and take a look at our masterpiece. And then you can write a note on the "I love Rebekah and JoAnna" board.

Speaking of wild animals, rumor has it that the Abilene Zoo will soon possess a white Bengal tiger. We're extremely excited about this addition and are making plans to go over there as soon as the tiger is here. Maybe you want to join us on our zoo day?

Sometimes we do crazy things in our room. We thought we’d give you just a taste of what goes on in here. Warning: Vast quantities of sugar and caffeine were involved. Enjoy and laugh.

Wonderful Words of JoAnna:
“We’re all fruit.”


  1. Oh, dear...

    That's all I can say.

  2. Pphhhh!!!! That's all I can say / splash water out of my mouth. hahahaha!!

  3. P.S.: "Anonymous" = Spenser
