Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Reminiscing, Mostly

My Dearest Rebekah,
I apologize for my online absence... I am going to be honest and say that I have not felt like writing or thinking. Summer has got me in its clutches and it does not want to let go.
I am so excited about your teapot. That British shop is awesome, I bet. I'm glad we have one in Abilene. I must say that I wish I were drinking more tea this summer than I actually am. But when my dad gets a pot of coffee going, it's so much easier just to mooch off of that.
I was just reading our earliest posts on our blog. Man, life was great when we lived in the same room, eh? Now we're hundreds of miles apart. I'm glad we're out of silent Sikes, though. Now at least we know who lives in the rooms next to us. Our lovely, amazing housemates!
Today my dad and I ordered Papa John's pizza. I have decided that their regular sausage pizza isn't my favorite, but their crust is pretty good. Definitely isn't worth the price though, especially if you have it delivered. Just a tip.
Can you believe it, I haven't been to the beach once this summer. Thankfully Justin is coming and will help change that (I need someone to go with first). I wish you were here so that we could go together, too. Unfortunately, the Pacific's water isn't quite as clear as that surrounding Greece, but it's still refreshing. Remember searching all over Athens for a decent beach? At least we got better luck with the islands. And that beautiful sunset? Ahh man. I'll remind you even more clearly:
Talk about beauty!
And finally: Today at Burger King my parents won a little apple pie and a milkshake. How, you ask? By playing the Team Edward vs. Team Jacob scratcher game! Yes, BK has Twilight toys for their kids meals and scratchers on their value meal cups. Now when I go into my favorite fast food restaurant I get to see large cardboard cut-outs and life-size plastic window clings of a pasty British blood-sucker and a beefy snub-nosed mutt. So much for keeping my tenders and fries down. I'm excited to watch Eclipse with you so we can enjoy making fun of the terrible acting. I'll go no higher than a RedBox fee, though.
Much love,

Monday, June 28, 2010

I'm a Little Teapot


I just thought you might like to know that I just bought myself a teapot. It's cute and sturdy and I'm very excited to use it every day next year. It's from a a British shop here in Houston, so it's actually from Britain as well. I got some Tetley to go along with it, so that's extra nice. And some Ribena. And some Walker's prawn cocktail crisps. Goodness, I miss England.

Love, Rebekah.

P.S. Are you still alive? I haven't received a letter from you in such a long time.

P.P.S. I'm not actually upset that you aren't writing. I know that real life is busy. Plus you texted me today, which was especially exciting.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Birthday to You

Dear Jo,


Just don't go too crazy.

Love, Rebekah

Reindeer, and walruses and polar bears! Oh my!

Dear JoAnna,

I am very sorry that you have not been able to find a job. The economy these days!

And I am also sorry about your dishwasher. Maybe when you wash dishes by hand, you can pretend that you are at our house and we’re washing dishes together. Now doesn’t that sound like fun? We had a similar situation here, as our air conditioning went out. The temperature was at least 92, which is not actually all that pleasant.

I am not as sorry that you have finished The Two Towers. In fact, I am actually rather happy. You may not have known it, but LOTR happens to be my favourite book. Like, in the whole wide world. On second thought, I may have mentioned that once or twice.

In all honesty, I’m not entirely sure what to say about the Anti Monkey Butt Powder. In fact, I’m not entirely sure what having a monkey butt entails. I can’t imagine it would be pretty.

I bought some dental floss today and, unfortunately, ended up with the wrong kind. How could dental floss be the wrong kind, you ask? Well, it’s the wrong kind when it costs $6. Someone stuck it on the wrong hook and I was very sad. Because I was with other people and the store was closing, I was not able to exchange it. This all reminds me of a time when I paid € 4.70 for a coke in front of the Sagrada Familia.

LYLAS, Rebekah

P.S. Do you remember in middle school, when we all used to sign-off on notes with "LYLAS," or some other equally inane acronym?

P.P.S. Did you know that National Geographic books expeditions? Maybe we should try one of those. They will even take you to the Arctic. Reindeer, and walruses and polar bears! Oh my!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Feeling Like a Monkey

Dear Rebekah,
First, I must comment that surely, although it may be somewhat cheesy, Glee is the funniest show out there! Sue Sylvester nearly makes me pee my pants every week. Unfortunately, this summer is only re-runs, but at least it gives you a chance to catch up. ;)
I have yet to get a job, even though I applied to at least 8 places (I lost count). Who knows if I will get an offer. But I do know that it's a lot of work just doing dishes at home anyway. Imagine washing dishes for three adults, two kids, one toddler, and one infant - at least twice a day. Oh, and did I mention that our dishwasher is out of commission?
You mentioned that you have been tired lately. I do not have a cure for that, other than the obvious rest and coffee, but I do have a solution to another problem. If you are having trouble with your butt looking like a monkey, you might want to try some of this handy dandy Anti Monkey Butt Powder - It's a "Sweat Absorber and Friction Fighter"!:
This can be found by Gold Bond Powder in Wal-Marts everywhere.
In other news, I finally finished The Two Towers a couple weeks ago. Good thing it only took me about a year to read.
And now for some real news. This article says that "they" have found that short people have a higher risk of heart problems. That reminds me of that short people song you showed me. Anyway, I just thought I'd comfort you with this tidbit, just in case you heard this news before I could relay it to you: I am under the height range considered "short." So if you go down with heart problems, I'm mostly likely coming with you! Talk about loyalty.
With abundant love,
P.S. I just checked. Flights to London Heathrow from Houston (G. Bush International) on British Airways leaving next Tuesday are coming up as $1389. I say we buy for sometime more in the future rather than right now... As much as I'd love to go right now (especially with you).
P.P.S. Sorry about the car door. Hope you found some ice.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Letters from Rebekah

Dear Jo,

It's funny that you should comment on the humidity difference between California and Abilene. I was already planning to comment on humidity as well. I, however, have gone the other way. Sometimes I think I need a mask and oxygen tank to breathe down here. It's like swimming through the air.

I started watching Glee once Lost was over. My hosts thought it would be a fun show to watch together. It has great music, but you must admit that the show's a little cheesy.

I ran into my car door the other day. Only one other person saw, but it was still embarrassing. I opened my door and stepped out of the car, walking right into my door. I just thought you should know that.

I though of you when I was shopping the other day. all of the grocery stores here have international aisles that include British food. I wanted to by some Ribena, but it was $9 for a bottle. In the end I had to decide against it. I think it would almost be cheaper to just fly to England myself and bring some home. Want to go with me?

Love, Rebekah (your most favouritist friend)

P.S. I hope you find a job. Or maybe you've already found one...?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Letters to You

Dear Rebekah,
I am glad that we've decided to write each other letters over the blog this summer while we're halfway across the country from each other. Such a good way to keep in touch! And hopefully it will be even slightly entertaining to our readers.
One of the first things I noticed when I came back to Southern California was that it is so dry here compared to Abilene! I actually have to use face lotion here and put lotion on my hands. I didn't really have to do that in Abilene. Also, there are actually hills, which is quite a relief. In addition, the lesser degree of humidity is so freeing. I feel like I can breathe again. So, there are pros and cons of being away from Abilene besides the fact that I'm away from you (which is definitely a con...).
In other news, I am still looking for a job. I hate job searching! It seems like nobody wants new workers at this time. But to take my mind off that whole deal, I've been to the library twice already, but unfortunately I didn't get to stay as long as I would have liked. It's okay, though, because I got some C.S. Lewis books and a couple books about Ireland. I know how you like Ireland. I wish we could go back together. Especially for the video-game-like crosswalk sounds.
Well, I had better be going. I miss you so much and hope everything is well with your internship!
Your friend,