Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Letters to You

Dear Rebekah,
I am glad that we've decided to write each other letters over the blog this summer while we're halfway across the country from each other. Such a good way to keep in touch! And hopefully it will be even slightly entertaining to our readers.
One of the first things I noticed when I came back to Southern California was that it is so dry here compared to Abilene! I actually have to use face lotion here and put lotion on my hands. I didn't really have to do that in Abilene. Also, there are actually hills, which is quite a relief. In addition, the lesser degree of humidity is so freeing. I feel like I can breathe again. So, there are pros and cons of being away from Abilene besides the fact that I'm away from you (which is definitely a con...).
In other news, I am still looking for a job. I hate job searching! It seems like nobody wants new workers at this time. But to take my mind off that whole deal, I've been to the library twice already, but unfortunately I didn't get to stay as long as I would have liked. It's okay, though, because I got some C.S. Lewis books and a couple books about Ireland. I know how you like Ireland. I wish we could go back together. Especially for the video-game-like crosswalk sounds.
Well, I had better be going. I miss you so much and hope everything is well with your internship!
Your friend,

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