Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Reminiscing, Mostly

My Dearest Rebekah,
I apologize for my online absence... I am going to be honest and say that I have not felt like writing or thinking. Summer has got me in its clutches and it does not want to let go.
I am so excited about your teapot. That British shop is awesome, I bet. I'm glad we have one in Abilene. I must say that I wish I were drinking more tea this summer than I actually am. But when my dad gets a pot of coffee going, it's so much easier just to mooch off of that.
I was just reading our earliest posts on our blog. Man, life was great when we lived in the same room, eh? Now we're hundreds of miles apart. I'm glad we're out of silent Sikes, though. Now at least we know who lives in the rooms next to us. Our lovely, amazing housemates!
Today my dad and I ordered Papa John's pizza. I have decided that their regular sausage pizza isn't my favorite, but their crust is pretty good. Definitely isn't worth the price though, especially if you have it delivered. Just a tip.
Can you believe it, I haven't been to the beach once this summer. Thankfully Justin is coming and will help change that (I need someone to go with first). I wish you were here so that we could go together, too. Unfortunately, the Pacific's water isn't quite as clear as that surrounding Greece, but it's still refreshing. Remember searching all over Athens for a decent beach? At least we got better luck with the islands. And that beautiful sunset? Ahh man. I'll remind you even more clearly:
Talk about beauty!
And finally: Today at Burger King my parents won a little apple pie and a milkshake. How, you ask? By playing the Team Edward vs. Team Jacob scratcher game! Yes, BK has Twilight toys for their kids meals and scratchers on their value meal cups. Now when I go into my favorite fast food restaurant I get to see large cardboard cut-outs and life-size plastic window clings of a pasty British blood-sucker and a beefy snub-nosed mutt. So much for keeping my tenders and fries down. I'm excited to watch Eclipse with you so we can enjoy making fun of the terrible acting. I'll go no higher than a RedBox fee, though.
Much love,


  1. Okay, this has made me realize two things. 1. How much I miss you two. 2. The fact that when all of us get back in town, we need to hang out and have coffee or something. Hope both of your summers are going well!! (And by all means, enjoy the terrible acting in Eclipse. Though how they surpass New Moon I really don't know.)

  2. Wait...there was supposed to be a "can" in that last sentence. Bother.
