Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer Continues

Dear Rebekah,
I am missing you sorely. I am missing Abilene and everyone there a lot, too. It's funny how that happens when one is gone for a while. Fortunately, more than half the summer is over and we shall be reunited once again. Story of our lives, eh?
I hope you are having a great time in Houston still. I have been having fun here. Justin recently visited for 10 days and we had a lot of fun. Now that he's gone I've been thinking about Abilene and how I only have one more year there. And then I wonder where I'll be and where you'll be and if we'll be near each other enough to go out on coffee dates. Anyway, all this to say, I miss you a lot. I miss laughing about absolutely ridiculous things with you. I miss "researching" random things online with you. I miss "doing homework" with you... and how it always ended up in something random.
Lately there has been nothing too interesting to write about. I've been rereading a book I read in middle school called Firegold, and it's almost as good this time around. Not quite. Funny how things you read a long time ago for the first time were always better.
I was in Target last night and I saw the Pillars of the Earth book you were reading that one time... that one about the monk and the cathedral builder. Did you ever finish that? Was it good? Anyway, I think you got a good deal checking it out of the library, because it was selling for just under $20.
I am coming back to Abilene in just about one month. I will probably write before then, but just in case I don't... see you soon!

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