Thursday, July 29, 2010

How to Beautify Your Search Page

Dear Cockroach Killer,
I watched the movie My Sister's Keeper, and I couldn't stop tearing up or crying the whole time! I felt so sad afterward. I recommend it if you need something to help you cry because it will probably make you. Or if you just want to watch a movie you've heard was good, because that's why I watched it...
I definitely miss hearing all about your dreams, so thank you for that tidbit. I had one last night about someone telling me how to find out if there's someone in one of the rooms of your house - someone who shouldn't be there. I was told that you're supposed to sneak in the door of the room, look left and right, hide behind the door, and jump out and yell, "Boo!" Quite the roundabout way of discovering an unwanted house guest, if you ask me.
Recently, I came across a very interesting way to personalize your web-surfing experience. If you go to the Google homepage, on the bottom left there is a link that says, "Change background image." Click it and you can change the background of the Google page! For some reason, I thought this was really cool. Probably because I changed it to an aerial shot of Oxford that I took during our time there...
Your friend,
Ant Killer

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