Saturday, June 12, 2010

Feeling Like a Monkey

Dear Rebekah,
First, I must comment that surely, although it may be somewhat cheesy, Glee is the funniest show out there! Sue Sylvester nearly makes me pee my pants every week. Unfortunately, this summer is only re-runs, but at least it gives you a chance to catch up. ;)
I have yet to get a job, even though I applied to at least 8 places (I lost count). Who knows if I will get an offer. But I do know that it's a lot of work just doing dishes at home anyway. Imagine washing dishes for three adults, two kids, one toddler, and one infant - at least twice a day. Oh, and did I mention that our dishwasher is out of commission?
You mentioned that you have been tired lately. I do not have a cure for that, other than the obvious rest and coffee, but I do have a solution to another problem. If you are having trouble with your butt looking like a monkey, you might want to try some of this handy dandy Anti Monkey Butt Powder - It's a "Sweat Absorber and Friction Fighter"!:
This can be found by Gold Bond Powder in Wal-Marts everywhere.
In other news, I finally finished The Two Towers a couple weeks ago. Good thing it only took me about a year to read.
And now for some real news. This article says that "they" have found that short people have a higher risk of heart problems. That reminds me of that short people song you showed me. Anyway, I just thought I'd comfort you with this tidbit, just in case you heard this news before I could relay it to you: I am under the height range considered "short." So if you go down with heart problems, I'm mostly likely coming with you! Talk about loyalty.
With abundant love,
P.S. I just checked. Flights to London Heathrow from Houston (G. Bush International) on British Airways leaving next Tuesday are coming up as $1389. I say we buy for sometime more in the future rather than right now... As much as I'd love to go right now (especially with you).
P.P.S. Sorry about the car door. Hope you found some ice.

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